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The Differences between Poster and Banner

include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster is the educational poster, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes.
Many people also collect and sell posters, and some famous posters have become quite valuable. Collectors' posters and vintage posters are usually framed and matted. Posters may be any size.
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically

Standard Poster Size – The Small Size

The smallest is 11 x 17”. This is slightly bigger than legal paper (8.5 x 14”). This size is also beyond the capability of ordinary desktop printers. These types of posters aren’t that expensive. They can also be used effectively indoors or if space is restricted.
They are large enough to command attention. These sizes work well when used on phone booths and community boards. This poster type works best if text use is limited. This poster size is excellent for placing ads regarding announcements.

Standard Poster Size – Medium Size

Dimensions of this one come in at 18 x 24”. It’s the standard size of indoor posters. If you shop around for posters of celebrities, they’ll likely come in this size. This can be used effectively with large graphics and one headline message. You can also place some text below the main heading text.
These poster dimensions are used in doctor’s offices. These sizes are also used in other business such as oil changing shops or in areas where pedestrians can read them.

Standard Poster Size – Large Size

They measure 24 x 36” or 27 x 39”. These are almost always used in the outdoors. If you’re going to utilize this poster size, use only large text. People will be seeing this while in motion (i.e., driving or walking by). So eye catching graphics and straight to the point messages are essential.
They can also be used indoors if the place has high traffic. These include cafeterias and trade shows. They are very useful for grabbing people’s attention.
Custom Built Postershere are now printing services that can print posters tailored to your specifications. It is true desktop printers can produce high quality posters. However, if you need to print in a large size, the printer probably won’t be able to handle it. The printing services can also use very specific color sets i.e., RGB, CMYK etc). You just have to specify what you want.

Standard Poster Size – Movie Poster Sizes

The standard is the one sheet (27 x 41 inches). There are also posters available in 8 x 10 inches. These are often used for promotion and showcasing in the lobby. The lobby card (LC) measures 11 x 14 inches.
No longer available in the US, they used to come in eights. One card featured the film credits and the rest artwork featuring scenes from the film.
One of the most popular is the ½ sheet. These measure 22 x 28 inches. It’s set on card stock. The billboard size measures 106 x 234 inches. These are set up along roadside billboards.
Other movie posters include the 6 sheet (81 x 81 inches), the three sheet (41 x 81), and the banner (81 x 24). There is also the mini window (11 x 14), the insert (14 x 36) and the lenticular (27 x 41).
The poster sizes mentioned here are standards but don’t be surprised if other dimensions start to get used. These posters have become very popular and effective as marketing tools. So expect them to be harnessed in different ways as Standard Poster Size, as you can see, often vary.

A BANNER is a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message. Banner-making is an ancient craft.
The word derives from late Latin bandum, a cloth out of which a flag is made (Latin banderia, Italian bandiera), (Spanish bandera). German developed the word to mean an official edict or proclamation and since such written orders often prohibited some form of human activity, bandum assumed the meaning of a ban, control, interdict or excommunication. Banns has the same origin meaning an official proclamation, and abandon means to change loyalty or disobey orders, semantically "to leave the cloth or flag".
A heraldic banner, also called banner of arms, displays the basic coat of arms only: i.e. it contains the design usually displayed on the shield and omits the crest, helmet or coronet, mantling, supporters, motto or any other elements associated with the coat of arms (for further details of these elements, see heraldry).
A heraldic banner is usually square or rectangular.
A distinction exists between the heraldic banner and the heraldic standard. The distinction, however, is often misunderstood or ignored. For example the Royal Standard of the United Kingdom is in fact a banner of the royal arms.


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